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Energy and Technology Museum is celebrating its 19th birthday! And the first Vilnius city power plant – 119th! Opened on February 14th 1903, it operated until 1998 and in 2003 a museum has been established in its historic premises. On February 12th and 13th we invite you to celebrate the museum’s birthday together:

  • pay-what-you-want for the ticket;
  • participate in guided tours;
  • win the board game “Vilnius Industrial Stories”.

When you visit the museum this weekend, pay as much as you want for the ticket and take part in Sunday guided tours with an ETM guide. Tours start at 1 PM and 5 PM. A respirator of at least FFP2 is required for participation in events.

The number of participants per tour is limited to 30 people. Pre-registration is here.

The museum is currently hosting an exhibition by a group of artists “Salve,
Vilnius”, dedicated to the upcoming 700th anniversary of Vilnius. In the Boiler and Turbine Halls, among the original ETM exhibition, you will find paintings and sculptures created by 29 artists. The center of their work is the city of Vilnius and its stories. The authors of the exhibition were given an unusual condition – all works must be round or oval in shape, thus responding to the tradition of antiquity and the Renaissance, the winding streets of Vilnius Old Town and the details of old architecture.

The Condenser Hall and Industrial Exposition feature an international poster exhibition “PoszTerra” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Visegrad Group. It exhibits works by
the best poster artists from Central Europe (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia). The exhibition was organized with the Embassy of Hungary in Vilnius.

Receive a birthday gift from the museum! Participate in the ETM Facebook or Instagram competition – congratulate the museum with its birthday in the comments and win the board game “Vilnius Industrial Stories”.

The board game is ETM’s latest work. It is dedicated to the late 19th century and early 20th century when industrial change in Vilnius began: a railway was built, steam engines and new industrial zones appeared and the first power plant was opened. Players build factories, produce products and create a modern capital.

We will announce the winner on February 14th.

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